Dutch Chickens Do Well


The primary goal of animal welfare debates is to prevent unnecessary suffering. Suffering by dogs, horses, or other animals is unacceptable. Dutch farming has a history of doing things correctly, as seen by the millions of broiler chicks sold annually in Dutch stores and fed in schools and canteens.

Although we are unable to question about the hens' well-being, we are aware that bleeding and wounds indicate a problem. As a result, we continually inspect hens for something known as foot pad burns. Animals that come into contact with skin irritants, such as moist or ammonia-containing bedding, will develop burns. The farmers make every effort to ensure the health of the chickens. This results in a higher price at the butcher shop, and chicken feet are actually a very profitable export for Asian countries.

The Dutch broiler chicken industry has beaten the odds in minimizing foot pad burns by working hard and efficiently: The strategy for reducing foot pad burns is effective. It also entails catching, transferring, and slaughtering chickens in the least painful and fastest way possible. Again, this is to ensure that the welfare standard is maintained, as well as salmonella-free meat and sustainable food production.

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